What iQ-Cruise Does
Fuel Efficiency
Traxen’s iQ-Cruise is proven to increase fuel efficiency by 10% saving on average $9,000 per truck per year
Provides extended range collision warning. Controls vehicle speed to adhere to speed limits, while optimizing speeds for curves, grades, & weather conditions
Human-like Driving
Maintains vehicle’s distance from other vehicles in a natural way, maximizes hours of service, while sensitive to time of arrival needs
What the Driver Does
Steers & observes road conditions. Receives cues via intuitive user interface to stay informed on upcoming changes

Optimal Speed Control
Traxen’s iQ-Cruise is the only AI-driven adaptive cruise control solution on the road delivering an average 10% increase in fuel efficiency with improved safety & driver satisfaction.
Remarkable Safety, Fuel Efficiency & Driver Satisfaction
- Proven by field trials & fleet customers
- Endorsed by independent industry experts
- IP protected by multiple patents

Less than 1-year payback period



Intuitive User Interface
Join Our Pilot Program
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